What is LOVE?

Love (n.) a strong predilection, enthusiasm or liking; adoration.

What is Love? Most of us associate a certain intensity with the word. Sometimes this association is good, and sometimes it is not so good. The intensity of “being in Love” has been the subject of our stories, our art, our music, and nearly all aspects of culture, since history has been documented. And yet, what really is this thing called “Love”?

Let’s take a look at the word as an acronym I’ve created to go further into its meaning:





LOVE is Liberating. It is the essence of truly being. It keeps you free to be yourself as you are and in connection with yourself, Source, and another.

LOVE is Open-hearted. It flows freely through one to another with the authenticity and power of the heart. The heart is the spiritual center of our “being human.” When we open our heart, we connect with Source, the Universal Spirit that our souls are created from. From this center of the heart, we can heal every aspect of ourselves and each other through recovering trust.

LOVE is Validating. It confirms that we truly are spiritual beings having a human experience and that we can see each other through the eyes of Love. We are all wanting this validation more than anything and that is why suffering occurs when we don’t receive it. This is also why we must begin with Loving ourselves

LOVE is Energy. It is the movement of the soul, the flow of the universe, the connection to all. Love is the ultimate Truth of what we are and why we exist. When we connect with this energy in ourselves, we feel whole, free, and fulfilled. When we share this energy with another we feel connected and with purpose

When you give and receive Liberating, Open-Hearted, Validating Energy with yourself, you are able to authentically give and receive it with another, heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul

So on this day of celebrating Love, let it begin with you, and then share it outward with the ones that you Love with all of your heart. Happy Valentine's Day!

With so Much Love,

Noel Neu


Undoing the “Uns”

