Luck is for Losers

Do You Feel Lucky?

I was thinking recently about the concept of “luck” and then all of a sudden the following phrase came to me: “luck is for losers.” Now, this can be a bit jarring and even polarizing at first, but let me explain what I mean by it. Luck is merely based on chance—there’s no real sense of power or choice involved. So when we allow ourselves to feel dependent on luck, or even hoping to get lucky, we’re already losing. We’re losing our empowerment, our choice, and our confidence. There is nothing grounding in that—in fact, we’re losing ground in our lives as soon as we adopt this framework of thinking. It’s akin to being in a state of contraction and then, if by chance we do “get lucky” in a particular situation, we need to find that luck again in the next one, which puts us right back in a state of loss.

So how do we find a better, more empowering frame? We can trade the word lucky for fortunate. Think about that word for a moment. The root of it is “fortune,” and there’s an energy of gain and expansion in the word. With this gain comes a sense of gratitude. Another related word that’s empowering and truly expansive to use is “blessed,” which gives us a sense of a higher power bestowing grace upon us. Anytime we are able to feel grateful to others or a power greater than ourselves, we are in a state of Love. When we are in a state of Love, our fear dissipates.

The Bold Favor Fortune

When we are feeling fortunate, we feel blessed, and we are profoundly grateful and appreciative, building this momentum in a state of expansion. Whereas, if we’re feeling lucky or hoping for luck, we’re in a state of loss and contraction. At the more extreme end of things, when someone has a gambling addiction, they slip further and further into this attachment to “luck” as a savior of sorts and continue to lose ground in their lives until they hit rock bottom. 

I invite you to try this with me: reframe any concepts or thoughts of luck into being fortunate. Feel gratitude for the people, gifts, talents, and circumstances you have in your life. If you can’t feel gratitude for it just yet, you can read my blog The Challenge of Gratitude to help you find it within you. As we shift our perspectives toward more empowering frames and allow ourselves to be in the flow of Love and gratitude, we position ourselves to connect with that energy and manifest more and more of it. I would wish you good luck with this exercise, but you don’t need it. Everything you need is already within you and around you. You’ve got this!

Much Love,
Noel Neu, The Songwriting Therapist™


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