Know and Own Your Value

More Than Money

Value is so much more than dollars and cents. When we’re talking about human beings, value is about how we hold ourselves in the world, the actions we take, and how we engage with others. It is the energy of self-worth that we show the world.

It’s important that we “own” our value. We must take ownership of it because it is ours. No one else is responsible for acknowledging our value. We alone are in charge of realizing our value and presenting it to the world. As I like to tell my clients, “prioritize and raise your value, because no one else has to. If you don’t, it doesn’t matter who will. And when you do, it doesn’t matter who won’t.” 

Limitless and Unique

So what is your value? Well, first of all, it is important to understand that as a human being, you have unlimited value. It is also true that the value of one person is equal to the value of another. When we approach value from this frame, we have the superpower of humility, understanding that we are no better than and no worse than anyone else in this world (see “A Crisis in Confidence” for more on humility). 

From there, you can discover your own unique value by looking closely at your life. What are you good at? Do you have a natural talent or skill-set (artistic, intellectual, physical, etc.)? We all have “gifts”  that we have been blessed with in order to share with others. Your gifts are a large part of what makes up your unique value.

Now, back to the “unlimited” aspect of value for a moment. Another reason we need to understand this is because when we accept any limits on our value, we detract from the energy we put out into the world, and we inevitably begin to think less of ourselves.

We often shrink our own value by accepting limits that we learn from our family systems, our peers, the popular culture we consume, and any other influences that are present in our lives. Society loves limits, and we must be careful to reject such limits anytime it comes to our value.

The Value Exchange

The giving and receiving of value is what makes the world go round. We exchange our time, energy, talents, and creativity for other forms of value. Sometimes this comes in the form of money, which is simply a representation of value. Sure, the value exchange can manifest in monetary wealth, but it is much more than that.

The exchange of value really speaks to your ability to own your true worth and release it into the world. When you realize and stand in your value, and then use your gifts for others, you release your value into the world. This opens you up and creates a space to receive an equal amount of value. It is a virtuous cycle, and a concept that is expressed in world religions and spiritual teachings: the more we give, the more we receive.

On a related note, there is a misconception of the law of attraction that if you affirm that you’re deserving and that you’re worthy, you’ll receive the value you desire. This is only partially true and not sufficient to successfully receive, as it’s only part of the equation. Envisioning what you desire is helpful in attaining it, but the critical piece is to give forth your authentic value in order to open up the space to receive what it is you are seeking. In this way, we allow a free flow of the energy of value, and things begin to “happen” for us.

Own Your Value

It’s important that anytime you go out and start something for the first time (career, business, band, family, etc.), you look within and understand, appreciate, and own the value that you bring to the table. In doing this, you put your best foot forward, and you allow your value to flow into the situation. This sets you up for higher success and mitigates the initial “failures” you may experience when you allow self-doubt and limitations to creep into your thought process and affect your reality.

Remember, we all have outstanding gifts that we can share with others in the world. Acknowledge and use these gifts in humility, without limitations, and you will receive value back from the universe. Living this way will keep you in a Loving energy and out of the fear-based energy of the ego. Own your value, and you will be on your way to a life of freedom and fulfillment.

Much Love,

Noel Neu


Don’t Say It Mean


3-Part Faith