What is OHM?

We all know the /ōm/ sound. It’s a powerful sound that means different things in different contexts. When spelled “om”, it’s an enhancer, an amplifier for a mantra or chant. It allows a release of fear and an entrance into communion with Source

When spelled “ohm”, it’s a measure of electrical resistance that allows the flow of energy as a current to move through a wire and create light and other magical things. 

This powerful compact word spelled as “OHM” now also stands for Open Heart Method™, which is my technique for guiding individuals on a journey to better understand their emotions. OHM utilizes the intrinsic nature of who we really are—spiritual beings having a human experience—to flow through life connecting more completely with ourselves and others

Through over 20 years of studying the innermost recesses of myself and working with others mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as a mental health professional, I have discovered that all of life’s challenges derive from fear. They create a sense of loss and a dismembering of who we truly are.

This loss first develops when we arrive in the world through birth and become separated from all we knew as the symbiotic being in the womb of our mother. This initial separation sets the way for our journey to become whole again, to fill the void between what we have become and our authentic, true self. We can (and will) attempt to fill this void with many things; however, the most useful and truly effective fulfiller is Love

Love is the language of the heart—an open heart. An open heart that walks through the trials and tribulations of fear and connects with the truth of what is real and what is an illusion. This is the crux of the Open Heart Method™. To open your heart is to free yourself from the false pretense of fear. The fear that you are not good enough or not powerful enough to face it.

Through this blog and in future courses, I will be sharing strategies and techniques from my Open Heart Method™ so that you can use them to move out of fear and into love. The first major concept that I’ve just released is the FACE Your Fears technique. Please see that post and feel free to download the FREE PDF Guide linked here: FACE Your Fears

If you are interested in working with me one-on-one to go deeper into the method, please feel free to book a FREE Consultation Call by clicking the button below.

Thank you, as always, for reading and I look forward to sharing more helpful information with you soon.

Much Love,

Noel Neu


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“FACE Your Fears” FREE PDF Guide