FACE Your Fears: Introduction

Fear, the final frontier… This is where most of us get caught, usually subconsciously. Then, we develop coping mechanisms to avoid facing the difficult emotions that result.

Fear comes in many forms. The most common are:

Blame, Worry, Judgement, Resentment

As you read this, you may have something or someone you are worrying about. Maybe you are blaming yourself or someone else for something that went wrong. Maybe you are judging someone harshly or resenting them right now.

What can you do to alleviate these types of fear? You can FACE them! The FACE acronym is one of the most integral parts of my Open Heart Method, and it is used to remember the Four Acts of Love that counteract different aspects of fear:

Forgiveness, Acceptance, Compassion, Empathy

When you put all four together, they spell FACE.

Where there is an element of fear in a thought, bring an act of love to it. (FACE it!)

Where there is blame, FACE it with Forgiveness.

Where there is worry, FACE it with Acceptance.

Where there is judgment, FACE it with Compassion.

Where there is resentment, FACE it with Empathy.

To alleviate fear, we must FACE that fear with an act of Love. Love is the opposite of fear, so when an entity of fear arises within and around us, the antidote is to take an act of love. Keep the FACE acronym in mind the next time you encounter a form of fear.

WANT TO LEARN MORE? Sign up for the FACE Your Fears™ course today!


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